Sims Cheats

Here are some of my favourite sims cheats:

If you want to use a cheat (if you are playing on a computer/laptop) press ctrl+shift+c and then type in testingcheats true. After you have done that just type in any of the cheats below.

1. Money cheats:
》rosebud: receive 1,000 simoleons
》motherlode: receive 50,000 simoleons 
》Money n: replace n with the amount of money you want.
》FreeRealEstate On: Make all lots in the neighbourhood free. Replace the On for Off to return the lots to their original prices.

2. Build mode cheats
》bb.moveobjects on: this enables you to move objects freely. Replace the on for off to turn it off.
》bb.showliveeditobjects: unlocks a load of new objects but before you type this cheat in, type bb.showhiddenobjects: this also unlocks new objects and allows you to use the bb.showliveeditobjects.
》bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: this allows you to unlock the career awards.
》press shift+] to make objects bigger or press shift+[ to make objects smaller.

3. Sim cheats
》shift+click while hovering your mouse over your sim to bring up some sim cheats.
》fillmotive motive_m: replace m with the need you want to fill for example: fillmotive motive_bladder to fill the bladder need of your sim.

4. Some other cheats that might be helpful
》fullscreen: toggle full screen
》Aspirations.complete_current_milestone: Completes your sim's current aspiration.

That's all for now I hope these sim cheats are useful. Bye ♡
